iphone vs. Android

I decided to research how much more popular iphone was and why it was so much more popular. Rarely do we see people walk around with android nowadays but it does happen. I want to know why those people chose android and why so many people prefer the Apple iphone. Since iphones are a very common phone I wanted to see if there were any states where “Android” was looked up more. That was not the case. Iphone was much more popular and this is why:

There were thirteen reasons of why iphones/ apple is better than android but the top three reasons were that it updates much faster, it connects and works well with all other Apple products and other products Website 1- iphone is better than Android!

This website talks about ten solid reasons that iphone is better than android but the top three reasons are than it runs much faster, the software and hardware integration is much better, and the best part about it for everyday people is that it is very easy to use because of the simple format but also because it is so popular Website 2- iphone is better than Android!

This websites talks about 5 reasons not to switch from iphone to android and the top three reasons were privacy, the updating is much better, and the build quality of the whole thing is better. Website 3- iphone is better than Android!

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